系统方法在交通环境的可持续性国际会议 International Symposium on Systematic Approaches to Environmental Sustainability in Transportation
Dear Prof. Zhu and all,
We recently updated the symposium website (http://cem.uaf.edu/cesticc/symposium.aspx). We got overwhelming support and interests from eight TRB committees and five ASCE committees. Now we have an expanded committee list including all names you provided. The abstract is due on Nov 14, 2014 (originally set to fit ASCE publisher’s time frame). But this deadline is not critical and we sure can extend it. Please distribute the announcement to CSCE and your committees and encourage submission of abstracts.
Next our local organizing committee will ask logos from all cooperating organizations to upload on the website. We are also working on sponsorship. Sponsors’ logos will be updated to website later. Once more information is finalized, we will have conference brochure ready to bring to distribute at TRB and for you all to distribute at other professional venues.
Thank you very much,
Call For Participation:
International Symposium on Systematic Approaches to Environmental Sustainability in Transportation
August 2-5, 2015
Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
The main objective of the symposium is to provide a forum for professionals to discuss environmental challenges associated with design, construction, and maintenance of multi-mode transportation systems and a showcase of recent development, practices, and advances to maximize environmental sustainability. Additional focal tracks within the themes include challenges under extreme conditions such as those in cold or higher latitude climates or rural environments.
The format of participation includes: Attending only, presentation only — an abstract with no more than 300 words is required, and presentation and paper— an abstract and a full-length paper are required. All submissions should include the title of the presentation or paper, author’s name and affiliation, and contact information. Please submit abstracts/papers to cesticc2015symposium@gmail.com. The final decision regarding acceptance and the form of presentation will be made by the Organizing Committee. Papers will be selected using a rigorous peer review system. Accepted papers will be published in ASCE Special Publications and special issues of ASCE Journals. Please note the important dates below. Lastly, please feel free to pass this information on to anyone interested in participating.
• Abstract due – November 14, 2014
• Acceptance of abstract – November 28, 2014
• Full paper due – January 23, 2015
• Acceptance of full paper – March 20, 2015
• Final full paper due – April 17, 2015
For more information please contact our symposium organizers or visit CESTiCC's website.
Dr. Sheng Zhao
Email: szhao4@alaska.edu
Dr. Xiong Zhang
Email: xzhang11@alaska.edu